Winning sans Podium: The Sturdy Dirty Enduro

“Life happens for me!” We don’t have enough control in this world that we MAKE life happen and I prefer to not be a bystander who life happens TO. Life happens FOR me! This was an insightful piece I picked up at Steph’s Women’s Strength Summit. The past few years have been tough, yet somehow I’m…

Mercury and Enduro Stoke Rising

The work/life/ride balance is wriggling its way into some kind of equilibrium. This past year has been transformative and I feel like I’m finally coming out the other side as I get back on my bike a bit more. My goal this year is to do some races, get in shape – Enduro is the name of my game.

The Enduro Season Yet to Come

I haven’t had this much mountain bike stoke since having kids – but it’s back! As the 2016 Enduro season comes to a close, I’m just getting started. My goal for this year was to get out and ride now that the boys are becoming a little more independent and I’ve got great friends to help with…

Mommy, look… I have a baby in my belly, too.

For the first 2 years of Zander’s life, I thought this day would never happen. Zander has been the best thing we’ve ever done and raising him has become the craziest and most exciting thing for us. With that in mind, before we had him I couldn’t have imagined loving anyone or anything this much….

Ladies’ Coyote Canyon Rendezvous

It all started with Maria. She came into the shop and ended up falling in love with mountain biking and the idea of something bigger… by bike. Maria has an amazing excitement about her and she wanted to do some fun stuff with her new friends and bike from the mountains. I needed to put…

Mommy and Zander are Going Up the Mountain

Mommy and Zander are going up the mountain! This past Friday I had one of the funnest rides I’ve had in a while. I woke up early to sneak out the door before Zander was awake and get in a ride. Before I finished coffee, the little guy came stumbling out of his room. Since…


OK, I’m not suggesting this as a training method, but this is how it went down! It’s been a hectic few months, leaving one job, working 12 hour days at the next and now back to being full-time at home with Zander while trying to build up my web design company and work on Hub…

Mary and Sarah’s Borrego San Diego Ramble

“Well, we’re not in the middle of nowhere, but we can see it from here.” This past weekend was one of the better adventures I’ve had in a while. The guys have been trying to get sections of The Stagecoach GPS finished… only they have a weakness for stopping in a pub at night and it just…

Starting Off Right

Follow my blog with Bloglovin For New Years, we headed down to the desert for a ride that would start my year off right. We had an invite from a bunch of Julian and Imperial Valley guys. Not really knowing what was cooking, we just knew they were a fun and strong crew to ride…